Heartless women of the City

From Heart of the City

Its sad that so many girls are that petty, but its true. Heck, the whole concept of a diamond engagement ring was started by De Beers, the company who mines and sells diamonds. Before that they were usually other gems, or no gem at all. Through advertising women have been convinced that they are worth less if they don’t get a big ring. The whole two month salary concept came from De Beers. Now, to be even more greedy they’ve pushed a change to three months.

If you think Barbie has little girls screwed up, talk to De Beers, I think they’re doing an even better job of screwing up girls and indirectly screwing the guys up as well.

Posted in diamonds, pure evil, rants, scams

College football goofyness

The Division 1A college football system is a joke, everyone knows it, but this year proved it once again, in a different way. This year only one top team finished undefeated. This team, Boise State, came from a mid-major conference and managed to beat a team, OUsucks, by 1 point on a trick play in overtime. From this several people debated that they should have been in the national championship game instead of Florida. A team that never played anyone good until their last game, and got lucky in that one, should replace a team that played in one of the, if not the toughest conference this year. To make this even more ridiculous, after Florida destroyed Ohio State in the National Championship game some idiot STILL voted for Boise State to be first.

Until there is some sort of playoff system we just can’t prove who really is best. More than that until we force people to be accountable for their votes we can’t even get a good system leading up to that. One voter this year had his vote removed when he voted a team far lower than it should have been because he thought they had lost, but never checked.

Voters who don’t pay attention and a system that is forced to often choose between several teams that seem equal. What a stupid way to do it.

Update 1:41 PM
So it looks like even the BCS people realize the system is flawed.

Posted in BCS, football, OUSucks, rants, sports

Idiot sports fans

No, contrary to what the title may sound like, I don’t think sports fans in general are idiots. Anyone that knows me can vouch for the fact that I’m a huge one myself. But there are some fans that are just plan stupid, or at least their actions are.

Heres a really dumb thing to do, riots when your team wins. If you manage to win a Super Bowl, National Championship, Basketball championship or World Series, why would you riot? Recently Columbus, Ohio police announced that they will have extra police undercover around the area after the BCS National Championship game. This in response to riots after Ohio won in 2002, and also again after they beat Texas this year. Apparently they had police around after the Michigan win and ended up arresting 40 people and they had “less” cases of problems. Apparently idiots in Ohio light cars, couches and other things on fire to celebrate a win. When did that become normal? Are these people really that stupid? Its not the first place this has happened, probably won’t be the last. When the Lakers win, idiots do it in LA. What I don’t get is why you would destroy your own town and hurt your own fans when you win? That’s just plain ridiculous.

Posted in football, idiots, Ohio, rants, sports

Walk like you drive?

As many people do, I work in a cubicle farm. My company actually has another building which is essentially one over 1000 person cubicle farm. In that building I have seen some signs that, after further though, seem quite humorous to me. They say, “Walk like you drive”.

To me this entails several things. First, walk on the side of the “street” that you would drive in. Don’t cut corners, yield to people, etc. However, most people don’t follow this simple concept. I see people cutting corners all the time. I’m larger than many of them, so I’ve taken to just letting them bounce off me and then apologize profusely. Another great one is people reading and paying no attention to where they are going. In the mall you get the people who are talking on their cell phone while “driving”. You also seem to get a lot of the pokey people taking up the whole road going slow. People pretty much walk all over the place with no consideration for others. They’ll run you over if they can, and a lot of the bigger ones try to bully others into getting out of their way.

The funny part of all of this to me is the sign. “Walk like you drive”. Sadly enough I think most people are, and that’s the problem.

Posted in driving, rants, walking

Language Issues

I’m sure this is a controversial topic to many people, but the city of Friendswood has mandated that all city employees must speak English. Myself I don’t think this is a bad thing. We are in a country where the vast majority of people speak English, business is done in English and the legal system is English. If you come to a country you should expect to have to speak its language if you are planning on staying.

There is one particular group that happens to have the most problem with this rule, Latin Americans. I’m not sure why though. There are so many legal, documented workers from the south that speak English. Many of them come here not speaking it, but are willing to learn. I think this is great, and is what I would expect of people. People from across the globe immigrate to the US and very few of them from other regions have a problem with learning English. I don’t even believe that most of the people coming from Latin America have a problem with this. Unfortunately, the few that do are getting the most press. This is unfair to the masses of people who come here legally and learn the language, becoming integral parts of our society.

I would not expect to be welcomed into Mexico if I was not willing to learn Spanish. In fact I would assume this would be very difficult for me. The same would be true for any other country. It is extremely rude to expect others to adapt to you when you are technically the outsider. I know that often Americans do this in other countries and I think it is just as bad. Its highly presumptive of a foreigner in any country to expect the natives to adapt to them.

I support this kind of effort and wish it would happen in more cities. I don’t believe my taxes should go to subsidize the continued ignorance of the few. That’s right, I said ignorance. Websters online dictionary defines ignorance as lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. That fits the bit just right. There are numerous places that teach English, many of them for free. Make the effort, integrate into your new home. That’s not too much to ask is it?

Posted in English, rants

The downward spiral of college football

I’ll never stop watching, and neither will most people, but it seems that college football with continually get more ridiculous every year. This year, once again there is a controversy with the BCS system. With only one undefeated major team there comes a decision on who do you take now. Michigan came close to beating Ohio in their last game of the year, but no one wants to see a rematch. The week before they were ranked number 2, heading for a championship. The next week they are number 3, having done nothing to change their strength. Florida gets in because they beat Arkansas to win the SEC championship, controversy ensues.

I think this is great. My joy every year (except 2005) is to see a split national championship. The BCS is a crappy system, and the only way it will ever change is if it fails over and over. So this year, I’m rooting for Florida to win and for Michigan to destroy their opponent. Then I’m hoping for the split championship to happen again.

This wouldn’t be the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last. Its the problem with a system that only lets two teams truly compete for the national championship. This year isn’t even the worst situation. What if you have three strong undefeated teams, how do you choose? This is how USC got their first MNC. At least they’re not going to get another this year.

The root of all of this is greed. Bowls bring in lots of money to schools, and provide fans with a wonderful 20-something days of football straight. Who can argue against that right? Well, when its a 6-6 team versus a 9-3 team it can get pretty ugly, and boring. This year there are 64 teams competing in 32 bowls. Thats HALF of the teams that play Division 1A college football. You don’t even have to have a winning record to play in a bowl, you just have to break even. At least require a winning record. 7-5 isn’t that big of a deal.

All of this just leads to other problems, such as the conference championship game question, and the patsy schedule. Of course, nothing will change until the fans force it, and gosh darn it, we just love that whole month of football.

Posted in BCS, football, rants, sports

Australia vs. New Zealand

Have you ever thought about just how different these two places are? They’re so close to each other, but so different. I’ve been watching a special on Australia on my wonderful HDTV, and they talked about some of the animals in Australia. I swear, like half of the animals in Australia are poisonous or dangerous enough to kill you. Most of the island is a desert. Its around 5000 miles from east to west, much of which is just like West Texas, only bigger. The whole island even used to be a penal colony. Its not a country for the faint of heart.

On the other hand is New Zealand. Everything there just seems so lush, beautiful and safe. There is only one native poisonous animal, a spider called a katipo, funny enough, its closely related to another spider found in Australia. Even most of the plants that are poisonous in New Zealand aren’t native, or are at least the same ones that can be found in many other places. There aren’t even any native snakes on New Zealand. Quite a nice deal if you ask me. Plus, they filmed the Lord of the Rings there. If you’ve seen that you know just how beautiful a place this is.

About the only fluffy nice thing Australia has is the koala, and I’m sure its just a vicious killer waiting to be loosed upon the world. Just like pandas are.

New Zealand – Land of fluffy happy things
Australia – Land of evil killy things

Posted in Australia, koalas, New Zealand, pandas, rants

What kind of idiot chooses that name

Okay, so this is just something that has bothered me for a long time. I realize they are in Oklahoma, so that does explain some of it, but why would anyone choose to call their team the Sooners? This nickname refers to people who were essentially criminals. They came to land that was not theirs and claimed it anyways. It was land that was already being stolen from Native Americans and they stole it from the US Government.

So that sounds pretty bad right? You’re choose to name yourself after criminals. But to make it worse their fight song is Boomer Sooner, referring to criminals who took it upon themselves to try to take land directly from the Native Americans, instead of letting the US Government do so. What a proud heritage for rednecks to celebrate.

Posted in football, OUSucks, rants, sports

What the heck is that supposed to mean??

Okay, so in light of Friday’s robbery of Texas’ football team by a referee with bad eyesight many bandwagon and until recently quiet Aggie fans have been wearing their ugly moron colored shirts and making lots of noise. This brings to mind many questions, not the least of which is why aren’t they listed as a cult. But it also made me wonder. What the heck does it mean with some retard hollers “whoop”. It doesn’t seem to be an exclamation of joy, because it seems to be interjected pretty much almost anywhere, as a verb, noun, whatever. When I hear it I think of a phrase that I’ve heard my wife say to small children before. “Use your words”. Usually this is because the child is babbling nonsensically. It seems to me that this statement applies here. I suppose upon further thinking I would like the whoop to a fart. Its not really going to add anything positive, it comes out of nowhere, its annoying, and when you hear one coming from someone you want to get away as quick as possible.

Posted in braggies, football, rants, sports

