Mudders day

Mothers Day is all about honoring and respecting mothers. The job of a mother has changed quite a bit over the last century. Mothers were always able to stay at home and take care of the family from there in the past. As the industrial revolution changed things mothers began to work. The growing reliance on dept and keeping up with the Joneses certainly didn’t help. Now many moms have to work to help support the family. As divorce has become far too common there are even more single mothers who must work and take care of the family.

Moms get a lot of attention on Mothers Day, and while I may think some of it is pretty goofy, I definitely believe they deserve our thanks. It says something sad that we have to have a special day for us to really pay attention to and thank our moms.

When I have children I seriously hope my wife can stay home with them. A mothers touch and attention is a great thing and has a huge impact on a child.

My own mother was not able to stay home because she had to work. She still did a great job because she made sure to take time to pay attention to me and keep track of me. As an adult I can look back and realize that what she did has made a huge difference.

Hug your mother today, hug her every chance you get. You never know when it will be your last chance. No matter how many times she failed, she’s human, and she still deserves your thanks.

Posted in moms, parenting, rants

FEMA = Welfare?

When did FEMA become a welfare agency? I understand that Katrina and Rita were horrible storms that destroyed a number of peoples lives. FEMA’s response was even more horrible, as was the reaction to Rita in Texas. I completely understand the need to help people get back on their feet again. You can’t lose everything you have and just hop back up and get going again. However, most of the people who lost everything have recovered. They have been strong and have gotten back on their feet. They may not be back all the way, but they are trying. They are great models of what people should do.

Then there are the people going the other direction. Thousands of people are still getting aid and housing from FEMA. In some cases they seem to be making little effort to get going again. Some of this is FEMA’s fault. There seems to be little plan for when to stop aid, or how. Politics seems to play a much larger part in it all than common sense. People have to have a reason to leave, but at the same time we need to make sure they have a chance to survive.

Today it was announced that there would be an extension of the housing payments until 2009. That’s 4 years afterward Katrina. This just seems ridiculous. With no penalties, requirements, no payment or anything people will be able to get free housing paid for by tax payers until March 2008, at which point they will have to start making minute payments. That’s just ridiculous. If you haven’t’ been able to find a job in the nearly 2 years since the storm it is time to start looking elsewhere. If you still can’t find a job then we have a welfare system, which is in itself a whole other set of problems. Regardless, as it is FEMA is “not in the long-term housing business”, just like Administrator David Paulison said. And realistically, the Department of Housing and Urban Development shouldn’t be in this type of housing business either.

Posted in FEMA, lazy bums, rants, welfare

Outlaws and Guns

It has been said that when you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns. After the tragedy at Virginia Techpeople are calling for gun bans again. In the article the guy refers to the gun used against him in a robbery. I suppose he thinks it was obtained legally and that with a gun ban the criminal would have had no way to obtain the gun. He’s obviously not working in the same reality as most people.

The right to bear arms is built into our constitution to allow the populace to defend itself, not only from criminals, but also from an oppressive government. If we remove that right there is nothing to say that our country could not end up oppressed again, as it was in the era that caused the Revolutionary War. In the one city to try the opposite theory the plan worked great. Everyone was armed and chaos did not break out. Life continued on as normal, crime dropped and the city thrived. The nearby town that did ban guns, it has worse crime and hasn’t thrived.

No one can know if the fact that there were no other weapons on campus could have stopped the shootings, but some believe that it would have at least increased the chance. It may not have helped, but I can’t imagine it making anything worse. The best gun is the one you never have to use, but its still nice to know you’re allowed to have it.

The day I post this in the morning even more excitement happens.

Posted in guns, rants

Self(ish) Congratulations

Once again the big awards show has happened. Once again millions watched. Once again I asked myself, what’s the point.

Award shows for celebrities, for music, acting or whatever, just seem so pompous. You take a large group of millionaires, select a few of them and give them an award. You then televise the proceedings and get millions to watch. Actors and Actresses wear outfits that cost much more than many families in the country make in a year. They wear jewelry that they don’t even own. There are shows that exist just to critique what they where, hosted by people who seem to have missed the mirror on the way to the show.

The stars even get gift baskets for appearing as presenters or other parts of the show. These gift baskets are worth huge amounts of money, and for the longest time the stars weren’t even taxed on them. It even became big news when the IRS started actually enforcing the rules. This seems like a huge insult to most taxpayers. A star can get a $36000 gift basket and pay no taxes on it. However, if an honest hard working person earns the same amount over a year the IRS will take their chunk.

Awards shows for celebrities bother me because of the amount of attention we pay to it. Where are the big awards shows on national television for the true celebrities and heroes? When do we honor the police, firefighters, military and others who actually contribute to our society? Events like this are just one thing out there that backs up the concept of the movie Idiocracy. America definitely seems to be getting stupider, and we don’t seem to be too worried about it.

So congratulations to whoever it was that won such and such Oscar. I’m so glad you could get what you deserved while millions watched. Oh, and Mr. or Mrs. Police officer who just got shot trying to keep the peace, well, at least you’ll end up on the evening local news.

Posted in rants, self absorbed stars

Breeding like rabbits

I’m sure this is a pretty controversial topic, but why in the world do people seem to want to breed like rabbits? I’m pretty sure they know what causes babies and there are a number of ways to prevent it. I see so many families that have more than 4 kids. We’re pretty much the only developed country that has a rapidly increasing population. Its not a good thing to have that. We can’t even seem to keep the people we do have employed, fed and healthy; why would we want to add so many more?

We watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and they’ve had several families on there before that have 5, 6 or even more kids. Worse, they don’t have enough bedrooms for them, and in many cases didn’t when they had the kids. This just seems like horrible planning and willfully getting yourself into trouble. Two kids to a room doesn’t often work well long term, especially in the teen years.

One response I’ve heard is that they just love kids and want to have a lot. Here’s a quick idea, maybe adopt some of the ones that are out there already. It seems like a win-win. If the people really care and really mean it then the process shouldn’t deter them. There are even groups out there to help out with the process. One is run by Stephen Curtis Chapman, a Christian singer.

The concept that you can afford it doesn’t work either, after all, that money could be used to help save people that are starving or homeless. Heck, you could even adopt one of those children mentioned before.

In the end I don’t know why people have so many kids. Are they just blissfully ignorant to the long term problems it causes? Are they just to focused on themselves to see beyond their own house?

Some people focus on the first part of Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful and multiply”. They forget the second part, “and fill the earth, and subdue it”. Well, we’ve done that part, so I think its time we cut it out with the multiplying. I’m sure this is a controversial statement, but to me it just seems true.

Posted in adoption, parenting, rants

Is That a Mental Handicap?

Handicap parking has gotten way out of hand. There are laws that require a certain amount of the parking spaces be available at locations. This in itself seems like a great deal. What lawmakers didn’t take into account, was the laziness of people and the corruptibility of doctors.

In Texas you can get three types of handicap parking permission. You can get a permanent license plate, a permanent window tag to hang from your rear view mirror, or you can get a temporary window tag. These all are supposed to be authorized by a doctor. The problem comes from the temporary tags. Temporary to me means not permanent, and limited to a short, well defined period of time. Apparently to some people it means forever. I have seen “temporary” tags that are for over 3 years. If you have a handicap which makes it so you need to park close for that long then it is probably a permanent handicap. You should get a permanent tag. Otherwise you should only have a short term tag.

I would love to see a limit of six months put on these tags. If you have a temporary injury then you should be going to the doctor at least every six months right? Doctors shouldn’t be giving out these tags without cause. The rules ( are pretty clear about what a handicap is. The problem is the penalties aren’t very big. If you make it a felony for a doctor to sign the form unlawfully they’ll think twice. After all, if they knowingly lie on a form submitted to the government aren’t they committing fraud? It seems that there should be stiff penalties for this. The other problem is enforcement. Most police do nothing to enforce these laws. I see cops setting up speed traps all over the place, but rarely ticketing for this. Perhaps the reason is the penalty money goes to the state, so local governments won’t enforce the laws. I’m not sure what the reason, but it seems like it would be very easy to randomly enforce these rules. After all, if someone is actually handicapped it should be easy to catch them and check.

So who gets hurt by all of this you may ask? Well, my grandmother, who is over 80 years old and in a wheelchair has to be dropped off at the door while the people driving go find a spot somewhere further out because of these lazy jerks. When I see someone pull into one of these spots and then run into a store because or rain, or something of that sort I want to make sure they don’t get back into their car without a real handicap. It’s a crime, and we should do something about it.

Posted in handicaps, parking, rants

Time for a Change….to Change

Not too long ago it was announced that a penny costs more to produce than… a penny. The same goes for a nickel, and some other coins. Many different people have called for the abolition of pennies, and I have to say I agree. Some have said that everything but quarters should be gotten rid of as useless.

I have to admit that I agree with this in part. Making quarters the smallest piece of change would certainly make life easier for consumers. Of course it would also go great with our horrible education system, since so many people can’t handle simple math involving 100 minus whatever.

I actually would love to see the whole system taken one step further. If you have ever been to Canada, or several other countries you know that dollar and even two dollar coins are common. I could see getting rid of or minimizing the use of the dollar bill and going with the coins. Coins are smaller and are often far more useful because they can be used in more machines. The current dollar coins we have are, no doubt, the lamest thing ever created. Money was wasted on making sure the coins wouldn’t tarnish in use, which they of course immediately did.

Because of a lobbying effort by the people who make money (literally make it) congress guaranteed that the dollar bill wouldn’t be replaced, so this had an impact in its acceptance as well. Just one more case of an idea that was ruined.

Can’t we just do something right… for a change?

Posted in change, money, rants

A Little Less Air Polution in Houston

Not too long ago Houston passed an ordinance that will make it illegal to smoke indoors after September 2007, except in very few places, like cigar bars. This follows laws in every other major city in Texas. Its sad that the largest city in Texas is also the most backwards and behind.

What’s so great about this is the fact that every smaller city around Houston already has the rule, or is adding it soon. This means selfish people will have to go even further away to force other people to unwillingly be poisoned by their filth.

The funny thing about it all is the amount of whining and complaining going on about it. Smokers say they’ll just go other places where they can smoke and eat. I can’t wait until that isn’t possible. There is talk that there will be a state wide law now that all of the major cities are on board. It makes perfect sense to me. After all, smokers cost the government large amounts of money when they get sick.

I witnessed my father die from smoking, after surviving cancer and osteoporosis, all of which were caused by smoking. I don’t get how someone can believe that its their right to do that to someone else.

Cigarettes still being legal are to me one of the biggest pieces of proof that money can buy you anything. If you can make a drug that is proven to kill thousands every year; is proven to be addictive, and even developed to become more addictive and get away with it then you’re definitely paying someone.

I know, long rant, but hey, its personal. To me, the only thing people should smoke is meat. Sure, its not all that healthy, but its gotta be better than than the current way of things.

Posted in death sticks, rants, smoking


Elevators are an interesting thing in human society. They bring to light some of the more bizarre parts of human society. Watch people react to someone they don’t know getting on an elevator. Half the time they won’t look at each other. They choose separate corners. Its a very interesting phenomenon. I suppose much of this is probably inherent in Western societies individual take and need for personal space.

Watch people getting onto elevators and you can observe the basic selfishness inherit in people. We always want to get onto the elevator before we even let people off. There can be ten people on an elevator trying to get off, but the two people trying to get on always want to go first.

If you want to cause total chaos in an elevator just start talking to strangers about random things. Tell them you’ve got new socks on, talk to them about your dog. Anything random and see how they react. Heck, break out the 50 Fun Things to do in an Elevator.

Social norms are fun to mess with

Posted in elevators, rants, social engineering


As power deregulation continues its steady progress in Texas some plants have closed. One such plant was in Webster, TX just down the street from where I grew up. Today it was demolished. It is of course already on Youtube. I won’t miss it or anything, but it is interesting to see. The only thing positive ever about that plant was the large amount of trees planted along Nasa Road 1 by the company that ran the plant. Unfortunately many of these trees have been destroyed by the bypass that is being built. That isn’t so bad, but I worry that what is coming next will kill more trees.

The area is going to be developed into a new subdivision with all sorts of different things back there. What this probably means is that everything living in that area will now be killed, like all developers do in this area. The Woodlands provided the best example of how development SHOULD be done. Unfortunately, it never happens. I hate to see all of the trees in an area bulldozed; trees that are possibly hundreds of years old. The worst part is after the houses are built little dinky trees that are only a few years old are planted. Why not build around the trees, destroying as few as possible. This destruction happens for housing and for commercial development and it just seems pointless. Besides, if the tree is already grown its probably less likely to mess up your foundation, sidewalks and other structures as its roots expand.

I’m not going to start hugging trees or something, but it just seems like a little common sense and care wouldn’t cost that much more and would be a lot better way to do things.

Posted in progress, rants, urban sprawl

