
So most people are sheep. This is evident with a little observation in your every day life. At UT in the Jester cafeteria there are a lot of soda fountains, at least six if I remember correctly. However, when people would come from the food lines they would always head towards the soda fountains closest to them… the ones with the long lines. At events people will do what everyone else is doing. If a sign at a baseball game says to cheer, everyone does. If it says to make a noise, everyone does it. Like I said, sheep.

Mixed in with the sheep there are a few other groups. There’s the black sheep. They just want to be off on their own doing their own thing. They don’t really care about being part of the crowd. Sometimes they want to be different on purpose, other times they just aren’t paying attention.

Next is the wolves. The wolves see opportunities in the sheep. They can get what they want from people by taking it or making the sheep see it as a good idea. Its easy to let yourself become a wolf if you are a leader and not a follower. Its not really a good thing though.

The next group is the sheep dogs. These guys serve as a sort of good wolf. They lead the sheep around to keep them safe. They also protect against the wolves. The important thing about them is who they follow. Collies are followers themselves, they follow the shepherd. The shepherd guides them in what to do with the sheep, and in the end they are all safer for it.

The shepherd knows what is best for all the groups. He keeps all the sheep safe, caring for all of them, even the black ones. He knows the wolves want the sheep, but he can’t let that happen. He even cares for the sheep dogs, who help guide his flock.

I rarely find myself being a sheep in life. I don’t like being told what to do. I sometimes do follow, but I tend to rebel more often. Too often in life I let myself go towards being a wolf. I know the good shepherd would much rather me be a sheep dog and lead the sheep.
I just have to get myself to realize that even though the sheep dog follows, he is doing so for his own good. He isn’t blindly following, he is choosing to follow the good shepherd and help the sheep.

Which are you in life? Do you follow the good shepherd or are you a wolf? Not everyone has to be a sheep dog and help lead, but being a wolf is definitely not in His plan.

Posted in following, leading, rants

Handing Washing

Hand washing bothers me. Before you wonder about me let me explain. Hand washing bothers me because it reminds me of just how inadequate it is. I wash my hands. I wash them when I used the restroom, before I eat, before I play with Levi and other times as well. But this just doesn’t seem enough. I see so many people who don’t wash their hands. They come out of a bathroom stall and walk right out. Sometimes, if they’re feeling ambitious, or they think someone is watching they’ll run the water a few seconds and put their hands under there. I’m sure the slight dampness really bothers germs.

With this lack of care on other people’s parts it just seems like I am fighting a losing battle. What good does it do for me to wash my hands then then open the door that Mr. Nasty just used. There are so many common surfaces and items out there its disgusting. Think about how many people have used the same menu you are using at a restaurant. Now think about how many of them haven’t washed their hands. Think about the rag that was used to wipe down the table. When was it last cleaned? When was the soapy water last switched out?

In the past people didn’t worry about germs. Heck, we didn’t even know they existed. No one bathed or washed their hands. Of course we didn’t have antibiotics or antibacterial soap either. The mortality rate shows you part of the problem with this time. People now live much longer and fewer die in our country. Of course all the antibiotics and antibacterial soap have just led to much stronger diseases. In our quest to be clean and safe we’ve made things worse. Our stomachs can’t handle some of the weakest things now because we’ve weakened our resistance.

I’m not proposing we all stop washing or anything, but perhaps we go back to regular soap. It still kills the same number of bacteria as antibacterial soap according to one article I read. One thing I’d love to see is a little more in the way of standards of cleanliness. You know those “Employees must wash hands before returning to work” signs? I want to see those where I work. I use shared computers relatively often. That means I’m exposed to Mr. Nasty’s germs if he doesn’t wash his hands. Maybe we can add a Lysol wiping of keyboards and stuff to the list of cleanings that get done in offices. Maybe we can do that little alarm like in the Far Side cartoon below:

Just one more thing in the world that creeps me out. And now you’ll probably think about it too when you wash your hands. Ha, welcome to my little paranoid world.

Posted in hand washing, rants

Video Games

So almost every Saturday morning I get up and take care of Levi so Kendra can get some more sleep. Usually I hang out with him and if he’s acting mellow, which he usually is in the morning, I’ll play video games. As he gets older I look forward to playing the games with him. Its good hand eye coordination, and it should be a fun time to hang out with him. When the weather is cooler we’ll hopefully also get to play games outside too.

The problem is, I’m sure some people out there would be horrified. Video games seem to have been vilified by some people out there. While there are games out there, such as Grand Theft Auto, that are incredibly violent, there are others, like Mario Kart that are lots of fun with only goofy violence like throwing turtle shells at your opponent. The thing is, even Grand Theft Auto wouldn’t be a problem if people did their job. No, I don’t mean the retailers, I mean parents. There are a lot of people out there trying to get legislation passed to limit video games through various means. Some want retailers fined for selling certain games to minors, others want the games banned. I really think this is focusing on the wrong problem. Sure, you can treat video games the way we do movies and have an “R” rating to prohibit kids, but you end up with the same problem movies have. Bad parents take their kids into movies, and bad parents will buy violent games for their kids.

Jack Thompson and others like him blame everything on video games. When the shooting at Virginia Tech occurred he blamed this on video games, even though there was no proof, and we later found out the murderer in this case rarely played any games, and nothing like Grand Theft Auto. Dr. Phil, also known as the beast from The Book of Revelation, is another one of these people pointing fingers. It just shows the whole problem with our society pointing fingers in the wrong direction. Parents need to take responsibility for their kids. We have a society of “not me” and that’s a problem. If you don’t know what your kid is doing then get involved. Do your best. If you’re buying them video games, take a look at what the game is. Heck, they have ratings right on the box. If it has an M for mature, maybe you should re-think the purchase!

If we’re going to look at legislating something maybe it should be parenting. If you don’t want to spend the time to be a parent then don’t become one. We know what causes babies, they figured that out, and you can prevent it from happening. Parenting is a huge commitment. I know I’ve only got a three month old, but I can’t imagine not wanting to be involved in his life and keep him out of trouble. As a parent you are raising the next generation of leaders of our world. Do you really want to let them grow up on auto pilot? I know I don’t.

Posted in rants, video games


The other day a group of us were talking about kids stuff and we got to talking about Disney and its addiction to stupid direct to dvd sequels. I pointed out how almost every animated movie Disney has ever made has a sequel. Snow White, Dumbo and a few others have escaped, but most haven’t.

As a parent this is aggravating because marketing has basically figured out how to suck kids in. The trend got really bad over the last few years with crappy 60 minute long DVDs that were horrible. This addiction to sequels is actually one of the biggest creative differences Pixar had with Disney. Toy Story was owned by Disney, and Pixar was against making sequels for sequels sake. Disney decided to make it themselves. Its not surprising Pixar was going to leave Disney.

In 2007 it looks like someone saw the light. More likely the ousting of Eisner and the desire to keep Pixar got them thinking. Disney ebded up buying Pixar. This in itself could be really bad, but it isn’t. When it happened John Lasseter ende up getting placed highly in the Disney food chain. He made an important change. He decided Disney would move away from all the sequels. He even went as far as saying he thought one upcoming sequel, Tinkerbell, was “unwatchable” in one of its early forms.

Does this all signify me actually liking Disney as a company? We’ll see, but it cannot hurt. Now we just need to get Lasseter to work on keeping that stupid Disney Vault open so they don’t release only once every 10 years.

Posted in Disney, rants

Chain Letters

So I’ve been tagged by my wife. This is essentially a chain letter across blogs. Luckily I don’t think anyone reads my blog. Or at least no one that hasn’t already done this, so it dies here.

Here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (if you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1) I can’t stand hearing someone trim their nails. Its horribly noisy. People at work will do it occasionally. I then make it my personal goal to mock them about it. “So, can you do mine next?” “When did we open a nail salon?” “Do you do paint those when you’re done?”

2) I have been to a party where a cow was present. Not only that but the house wasn’t owned or lived in by anyone present. I was a naughty child. Or at least I hung out with naughty kids.

3) I was “in jail” twice in Webster growing up. See #2. I also was involved in a rock throwing incident where we threw dirt clods at each other. The police were not amused. Nor were our parents when they picked us up from the police.

4) One of my biggest regrets in life is not staying at UT Austin and transferring to UT Tyler. At the same time this is how I got my wife, so its one of my biggest good moves. She broke my heart when years later she told me she had thought of transferring to UT.

5) As my wife alluded to in her random facts, I don’t like feet. They really are quite a disgusting part of your body. They sweat constantly, they’re in contact with all sorts of crap from the ground and its almost impossible to get them truly clean. People with a foot fetish creep me out.

6) My favorite animals are Otters, because they are the only non mammal I know of that uses tools and they are so playful. They also travel in packs. There’s a really cool video I saw at one point of a bunch of them harassing a predator to keep it from messing with them. Very cool.

7) I hate meetings. Not really a big secret, but I’ll do a lot to avoid meetings. Most meetings are so poorly planned they just waste peoples time. The only person who seems to care about them often is the organizer, and sometimes not even them. A good meeting is short, to the point and has a well defined purpose. Meetings for meetings sake are just too common. John Cleese has a great training video called “Meetings Bloody Meetings” that should be required viewing for everyone in the world.

8) I hate talking on the phone. I suppose this isn’t a surprise to most either. In management training we have been told body language constitutes about 60 percent of what we “say” in a conversation. 30 percent comes from tone and 10 percent is the actual words. To me this often means when you’re on the phone you’re missing a lot of the conversation. I’d rather talk in person. If there isn’t really a big need to talk in person, say for example when passing along just facts, then just send an email. For people that are separated by distance then the phone may be more useful, but when someone in my office calls me I ignore the phone. I’ll either walk over to their desk while they are still calling me or wait for them to come over. My biggest problem is the tendency to want to avoid the phone even when it makes sense to use it, such as calling someone far away. Oh well.

As far tagging other people…. Pikachu I choose you. Just kidding. It ends here.

Posted in chain letters, rants, surveys

Just a little weird

Okay, so my wife is pregnant. What’s the first thing people do when they hear that? They congratulate me. Now, I don’t want to sound like I don’t appreciate the congratulations, but sometimes it weirds me out.

The other day, as I came into work a lady was there that knows my mom. She told me she had heard the news, and wanted to congratulate me. It was at this point that I was intensely creeped out that one of my moms friends was basically telling me I had done a good job in impregnating my wife. I mean, isn’t it a bit weird for one of your parents friends to tell you good job having sex? Besides that level of weirdness, we’re not talking about winning a Nobel Prize or something here. This is an act that teenagers manage to do on accident all too often. Millions of people each year pull it off across the world.

I suppose I’m over thinking the whole thing. On the top level its basically people just trying to be nice. They’re excited for me and my wife. Maybe they’re also a little sadistic and laughing at me because I won’t be sleeping much early next year. Either way, the points I brought up probably never entered into their mind. Still, I just want to announce that I have successfully had sex with my wife and a baby will be the outcome. Please, hold your applause.

Posted in pregnancy, rants

Dads Only Good for Advice?

Following the coverage of Mother’s Day versus Father’s Day one might assume that fathers are only good for giving advice. In generally there has been far less press about Father’s Day than Mother’s Day. What press there has been has focused on what great advice givers dads are. It makes me ask myself, is that all dads are good for? So much attention was given to mothers for all they do around the home and in raising children that I thought perhaps the same would be given to dads. I thought wrong.

Dads are just along for the ride, not really doing much but sitting around and giving advice, much of which could be grabbed from anywhere. This once again goes to show how our society short changes dads. Why should anyone aspire to be a good dad when there will be no appreciation for it and someone else will get all the love for having raised good children.

Until we start expecting more of dad we’ll end up with far too many deadbeats who don’t do anything to raise their children, often leaving them to fend for themselves. Let’s expect more. Let’s raise the bar and expect quality parenting from everyone. And let’s praise those great dads out there, those single fathers who do it all alone, the fathers who work hard to be involved in kids lives. If Paris Hilton can get all this publicity for being an idiot can’t we pay attention to the people who are actually helping our future?

Posted in parenting, rants

Jury Duty

Jury Duty in Texas is a pretty raw deal for a lot of people. In Galveston County you are told to show up at 8 AM at the courthouse. Mind you they don’t even open the doors until 8, so you’ll be waiting with about 50 to 200 other people trying to enter for various reasons through only two metal detectors. Then you arrive where you’re supposed to be to find a sign telling you to wait until 8:30 AM to start signing in. Once you’ve finally signed in you wait until 9:30 or 10:00 AM for everyone who didn’t show up on time to finish checking in. Then you watch a really lame video about being a juror. After you wake up from this a clerk tells you all about what you’ll be doing and all the exemptions and such. A judge comes in after a few more minutes and tells you the exact same thing, then lets everyone who has a good imagination come up and try to get out of jury duty. After denying most of these the judge will swear everyone in. Once you’re sworn in the clerk comes back with several longs lists of names to send people to various courts. If you’re chosen you go as part of the jury pool to be chosen to actually end up serving on a jury. If you aren’t chosen you get your note saying where you’ve been and you can go home, at the earliest about 11 AM Of course you need to call every night after 6 to see if you’re supposed to report to a court for the next day. At the end of the week they’ll generally release you from duty.

All of this is tedious and annoying. Now compound it with the fact that many people are not paid while on jury duty from their jobs. This means they are losing money from all this waiting around. Sure, you do get paid a whopping $7 for your day, but that doesn’t impress even a child anymore. I’d have to pay a kid $20 just to mow my lawn, and that takes less time. Of course if you’re summoned back you get $40 for the second day and every day after that. Not that its much better, but its more than $7.

I know the jury system is an important part of our country. I know our courts can’t afford to pay a lot of money. It still seems to me that putting such a burden on the juror isn’t a fair thing to do. Imagine you’re on trial for murder. Innocent or guilty it doesn’t really matter. When it comes down to it do you want a jury of your peers, who happen to have been ripped off for the past several weeks because of you, sitting their deciding your fate? Maybe its just coincidence, but perhaps this is why we have so many people on death row in Texas. Maybe angry juries? I’m just saying…

Posted in rants

Mom’s Salary

Supposedly the average mom’s salary would be $138,095 if they are a stay at home mom. While I don’t want to lessen the impact that mom’s have, and how much they are worth I think this whole thing is a big slight to dads. In the article ( stay at home moms are listed as housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologists. Apparently, mom works over 50 hours a week of overtime. Evidently dad doesn’t do much at all judging from all of this.

In my home growing up this was true. My mom was a working single mother, so she definitely earned the money they attribute to her. But in many homes the dad is a very active part of the household. Does this mean we are assuming the average dad is pretty crappy and doesn’t help at all? I guess our society just doesn’t place much value on dad.

The devaluing of fathers is evident when you go to the and websites and compute how much a stay at home parent would make for 1 child not in school and one in school. The median income for a mother would be $138,095 for 91.8 hours of work. Dad is supposedly lazier, only working 81 hours for $125,340. Stay at home moms are housekeepers, while dads aren’t. This makes up a large part of the difference. Also, dads just suck at psychology, since they only do half of that. Same for laundry and computers. Dads get a little extra for being a groundskeeper and general maintenance worker. So it looks like stereotypes actually play a huge part in all of this. Dads just don’t do certain things right? After all, who needs dads.

Our society places so little value on fathers that in a divorce the mother almost always gets the children. Single moms get a lot of attention, but single dads often don’t. When dads do well we need to make sure they get the same attention as moms. When we don’t we do them a disservice and we also teach another generation that being a good father isn’t worth much, and that’s just wrong.

Posted in moms, parenting, rants

Idle Worship

Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol. Its Exodus 20:4 and Deuteronomy 5:8, also known as the first or second commandment (depending on your religion/denomination). In today’s society we’re pretty thorough and consistent about breaking this one. People focus on money, their jobs and all sorts of other things before God. We even pray to stains because they look like the (former) virgin Mary. Hollywood has set itself up as a whole city of idols. We even have shows with idol in the name.

Its insane how much our society focuses on these idols. American Idol is one of the top shows out there. Every morning I drive to work with the radio on flipping to find a station that isn’t talking about the previous night of the show. Even the Christian station devotes massive amounts of time to worshiping these false idols. Previously politics was the biggest place you could see adults behaving like children with popularity contests. Now we have all of these reality TV shows where people can call in the vote. While these shows may be interesting to watch, and I do watch a few of them myself, I can’t fathom how people can get so involved in them. On the radio it seems that people spend half of the morning programs talking about the shows. This just seems a bit excessive to me, especially with all the other things going on in our world.

Maybe I am just an Idol hater. Maybe I’m just a fuddy dud, I don’t know. Still, any time someone with as little talent as Sanjaya can go on for as long as he did on a show you have to stop and ask yourself, should I be taking this that seriously?

Posted in American Idol sucks, rants

