Blog Archives

Not orange after all

So it looks like Walmart has rolled out their new logo and it isn’t orange after all. However, some people have some other thoughts about it. So I guess I can come out of mourning now.

Posted in pure evil, rants, walmart

Gas Guzzlers

So recently American car makers have started to pull back their production of large trucks and evil gas guzzlers like the Hummer. I think its funny. Its sad too. So many American workers are going to lose jobs because of

Posted in cars, oil, rants


It looks like the great evil of Walmart has decided to make some changes. They are still trying to fix their image, though they’ve spent the last twenty years destroying it. Unfortunately for Longhorns, they’ve decided to tarnish the awesome

Posted in pure evil, rants, Texas, walmart

Street lights

Why do cities take a road and put lights every 1000 feet on them? Were talking 0.2 miles. Can we really not work without that? Is there no back road people can use? This is a big problem around our

Posted in driving, rants, street lights, traffic

Dead beat dads

There are a lot of dead beat dads in the world and as I look towards my first Fathers Day I don’t understand them. I don’t see how you could look into the face of a child and not want

Posted in fathers day, idiots, rants, sports

More Traffic Behavior

Today, on the way home I saw another example of bad driving. Near the same intersection I complained about earlier someone decided to be a big jerk. There was a long line of traffic, stretching for almost a mile, as

Posted in driving, rants, traffic

Traffic Behavior

I don’t know what it is about driving that brings out the stupid in people. People seem to lose all perspective and do some of the stupidest things. I imagine if they saw themselves doing it they’d even recognize it

Posted in driving, rants, traffic

Fast car, slow driver

Why do people bother to spend so much money on sports cars and then drive them like a Geo Metro? I see this a lot on the roads and it drives me nuts. There is one particular lady I pass

Posted in cars, rants


So most people are sheep. This is evident with a little observation in your every day life. At UT in the Jester cafeteria there are a lot of soda fountains, at least six if I remember correctly. However, when people

Posted in following, leading, rants

Handing Washing

Hand washing bothers me. Before you wonder about me let me explain. Hand washing bothers me because it reminds me of just how inadequate it is. I wash my hands. I wash them when I used the restroom, before I

Posted in hand washing, rants

